Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015


Young Creativity As a Bridge Nation

Progressive, that is a very appropriate word to describe today's technological developments. In another example in the field of agriculture, namely, new discoveries in the field of improved seed obtained from genitika engineering innovation. And in the field of medicine, mamping DNA (DNA pemetasan) human. With this DNA mamping hereditary disease (congenital) can be discarded. The aim is for instance no longer carry the human gene that is better than their parents. But the most powerful innovations occur in the information technology (IT).

the development of today's technology that is increasingly growing without bounds and created many innovations which can easy humans doing things and activities, we can take a very important significance for the future that we do not know when it will end. Do not forget also that the role pemuda who can create innovations filled with high creativity and work that is very useful to the nation.

Today's youth is more have properties hardworking and diligent in doing what one to achieve in order to support the progress of the nation and the state and also can create jobs. Results of the work and innovation of youth unemployment is high in a country plummeted and assist the country in solving the unemployment problem ..

We can observe and we take the lessons that youth can assist the government in establishing greater employment opportunities and rewarding for the many gun.


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